SAPA - Ivoire
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Essential to life, the sap travels through the leaf blades. Embroidered with threads in various colors, it emphasizes the detail of the veins, and by contrasting games brings a feeling of movement to the foliage. “Sapa” means “sap” in Latin. Cotton linen base. Thread applied Cornelly method. Blend of fibers. Contains jute.
Essential to life, the sap travels through the leaf blades. Embroidered with threads in various colors, it emphasizes the detail of the veins, and by contrasting games brings a feeling of movement to the foliage. “Sapa” means “sap” in Latin. Cotton linen base. Thread applied Cornelly method. Blend of fibers. Contains jute.
CONTENT: 55%LI 45%CO Applique : jute Embrodery : vicose-polyester
WIDTH: 51.2"